King & Bay helps Sentinel One and FlexSecurITy, powered by FlexITy, pivot from an in-person product demo scheduled for Q1'20 to a virtual event in the 'new reality' for business during COVID.
A great meeting solution transitions to meet new needs.
When the Canadian sales team of Sentinel One, an international IT Security company, wanted qualified prospects to attend a unique event for a demo of their IT security and business offerings, they turned to the King & Bay lounge and the promise of a memorable experience.
Just one problem... the onset of Covid-19 lockdowns and social distancing protocols intervened before the scheduled event could take place.

But that didn’t stop Sentinel One and FlexSecurITy, their co-presenter and partner in organizing the event. The creative team at King & Bay offered a solution that won over all participants and has led to the birth of a new meeting and events channel for King & Bay.
A touch of 'real' makes virtual so much better.
King & Bay put some ‘real’ into the virtual meeting space by adding a personal touch that Sentinel One and FlexSecurITy's prospective clients won’t soon forget.
Ten lucky individuals gathered for a Zoom meeting like most digital meetings these days... but with the surprise of a King & Bay twist.
The team at King & Bay pre-packaged the ingredients and recipe for their signature cocktail – the K&B Old Forrester Old Fashion – and teamed with one of their favourite restaurants, Alo Restuarant, to create a F&B package that was hand delivered to each of the participants by the clothiers at King & Bay.
Impression definitely made.
The feedback was very positive from all attendees, as well from as the hosts, Sentinel One and FlexSecurITy .
King & Bay is in the business of creating custom, luxury experiences for clients. Talk to us about putting some ‘reality' into your next virtual meeting.