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Finishing Touches: The Tie Bar

Posted Mar 27th, 2023 in All News, Fundamental Style, Personal Style, Style Knowledge

The addition of a single accessory can help elevate simple looks, and a tie bar is no exception. We've shared tips on how men can wear tie bars and the rules that should be followed to ensure they are worn properly and stylishly.

Finishing Touches: The Tie Bar, King & Bay Custom Clothing, Toronto, Canada

What is a Tie Bar?

A tie bar is a functional accessory that also adds a stylish detail to a standard shirt and tie look. Even though it's a small, understated accessory, it's still important for men to wear it the right way. We've provided our best tie bar tips below.

Five Tips About Tie Bars

Include Your Shirt

Since a tie bar's purpose is to prevent your tie from moving around, it won't look right unless it's fastened to both your tie and your shirt. 

Put it in the Right Place

Location is key when it comes to wearing your tie bar in the right place. A tie bar should be placed between the third and fourth buttons of your dress shirt; placing it any higher or lower will take away from the overall style. If you're wearing a jacket, the tie bar should be visible above the jacket's top button. Ensure the tie bar and the top of your jacket breast pocket are parallel. 

Size is Important

A tie bar should be approximately one-half to two-thirds the length of the tie, and should never be wider than the tie itself. 

Understand the Clasps 

It's a matter of preference but the two main types of tie bars are side clasps and pinch clasps. A side clasp is harder to attach but allows the tie bar to be more flush with your shirt. A pinch clasp has a spring bar attached to the back making it much easier to fasten. Additionally, side bars can move out of position whereas pinch clasps do a better job of staying in place.

Choose the Right Colour 

Your tie bar doesn't have to be overly flashy to elevate your look. Tie bars in brushed silver or black look great with any tie. If you'd like a pop of colour, choose a tie bar that compliments the tie you're wearing. For example, a blue tie bar would look great with a red, yellow, or orange tie.

Since the primary function of a tie bar is to hold the tie in place, men should only wear this accessory when it's needed. If you're wearing a sweater, adding a tie bar is unnecessary.