King & Bay Signature Style
Whether you want to make a statement at your next public event, or need a special suit for your wedding or a Bar Mitzvah, look your best in a custom or bespoke suit, jacket or shirt from King & Bay in Toronto.

Custom Suits
You'll feel as confident as you look in a perfectly fitted custom suit from King & Bay.

Custom Linings
Endless customization. With our custom lining process, the possibilities are endless.

Wedding Suits
The King & Bay custom wedding experience is curated uniquely for you and your wedding party.

Custom Shirts
Custom shirts for your perfect look. Perfection is delivered in the fit and detailing of all our custom shirts.

The Smoking Jacket
Elegant. Sophisticated. Luxurious. Make a unique statement with a custom Smoking Jacket.

Specialty Jackets
Whatever you can imagine in a Specialty Jacket, we can create – simply bring us your vision and we'll get started.

Custom Shoes
The King & Bay experience offers a beautifully crafted custom shoe to suit your personal style.

Shatnez-Free Suit
Working with the finest European mills, King & Bay offers a selection of Shatnez-Free fabrics.
As Master Clothiers, we revel in the beauty of fabrics – the textures, the colours, the way they drape. We love working with clients to create very personalized, detailed looks that truly are works of wearable art.